Economic Data |
   A Comparative Approximation Into China's Living-Wage Gap |
   Advancing the Welfare of People and the Planet with a Common Agenda for Reproductive Justice, Population, and the Environment |
   A Framework for Decoupling Human
Need Satisfaction From Energy Use |
   A New Geopolitics for the Anthropocene |
   A New Environmental History of Socialist States |
   Anthropocene, Capitalocene, and Other “-Cenes” |
   Argentina's living-wage gap |
   Billionaire Space Race: the ultimate
symbol of capitalism’s flawed
obsession with growth |
   Brazil – harmony with TLWNSI |
   Building the Vision of the Good
Life |
   Capitalism and Extreme Poverty |
   Capitalism, Global Poverty, and
the Case for Democratic Socialism |
   Capitalism of Dispossession |
   Challenges for the degrowth transition |
   Climate Anxiety in Children and Young People
and their Beliefs About Government Responses
to Climate Chang |
   Climate Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century |
   Collective Capabilities for Organisational
Democracy: The Case of Mutual Social Enterprises |
   Conceptual approaches to the crisis, extractivism and its alternatives |
   Controversial Demographic Projections
Under Climate Collapse in 2050 - South
and Mesoamerica in a Global Context |
   Crisis or collapse? Overshoot and degrowth |
   Deforestation and World Population
Sustainability |
   Degrowth Imaginary |
   Degrowth is About Global Justice |
   Degrowth - Unsuited for the Global South? |
   Demographic Delusions: World Population Growth Is Exceeding Most Projections and Jeopardising Scenarios for Sustainable Futures |
   Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries |
   Earth system boundaries and Earth system justice: sharing the ecospace |
   Ecological Civilisation, Ecological Revolution |
   Ecological Marxism |
   Ecology and the Future of History |
   Ecosocialism and Degrowth |
   End Ecocidal Capitalism or Exterminate
Life on Planet Earth |
   Engels and the Second Foundation
of Marxism |
   Entropy, economics and sustainability: some
conceptual clarification and many questions |
   Etnic-Peasant Resistence in SAMA to Agriculture of Catastrophe Capitalism |
   Existing Climate Mitigation Scenarios Perpetuate Colonial Inequalities |
   Exploring degrowth policy proposals |
   Extractivism in the Anthropocene |
   Filoponìa, a distinctive economic model |
   Filoponìa, from Cuba to the world |
   Finding Flow: exploring the potential for
sustainable fulfilment |
   Financial, Speculative and
Parasitic Capital |
   For an Ecosocialist Degrowth |
   Frederick Engels: The First Marxist? |
   From Imperialism to Green Imperialism |
   From Planetary to Societal Boundaries |
   GDP as a real indicator of progress is one of the biggest fallacies in our society |
   Growth is Going to Stop for One Reason of Another |
   Half-Earth Socialism and the Path
Beyond Capital |
   Human Rights - Advancing Frontier |
   Human Rights and Basic Income |
   Human well-being and climate
change mitigation |
   If Climate Policy Isn’t Social, It Fails |
   If we can prevent the genocide
of billions of human beings, I
would be happy |
   Innovate or Die |
   Inside Capitalism |
   Is Population Crucial for Degrowth? |
   Ituango Dam: an Apology for Necropolitics |
   Just population policies for an overpopulated world |
   Just Transition Is About Systemic
Change |
   Limits to Supply Chain Resilience |
   Lithium and the Contradictions in the Energy Transition that
Devastate the Global South In Favour of the Global North |
   Making Sense of the World: Why Education Is Key to
Change |
   Marketocracy and the Capture of People and Planet |
   Marine plastic pollution as a planetary boundary
threat |
   Marxian Ecology, Dialectics, and the
Hierarchy of Needs |
   Marxian Ecology, East and West |
   Marxian Ecology and Sustainable Human Development |
   Marx’s Critique of Enlightenment Humanism:
A Revolutionary Ecological Perspective |
   Marx and the Indigenous |
   Materialistic Value Orientation
and Wellbeing |
   Mexico vis-à-vis the Robber Scum |
   Mexico's Wages |
   ‘Monthly Review’ and the Environment |
   Nature as a Mode of Accumulation |
   Navigating desires beyond growth |
   "Not growing but thriving" |
   On energy transitions and
ecological transition |
   On How 'Lobbies' Water Down the
World's Most Important Climate Report |
   On Technology and Degrowth |
   Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities |
   Placing People at the Heart of
Climate Action |
   Planned Degrowth: Ecosocialism and
Sustainable Human Development |
   Population in the IPCC’s new mitigation
report |
   Progressively Accelerated Degradation of the Environment |
   Progressively Accelerated Degradation of the Environment – COP28 |
   Providing Decent Living With
Minimum Energy: A Global Scenario |
   Provoking Awareness and Action for Geocratia |
   Questioning Our Limits to Leave
Scarcity Behind |
   Ravaging Pan-Amazonia |
   Safe and Just Earth System Boundaries |
   Show COP26 and Ecology |
   Solidarity with Animals |
   South Korea's Tortuous Road |
   Spiral of contradictions between financialised capitalism
and rural smallholdings in South and Mesoamerica |
   Surviving Collapse Through Social
Transformation and Regeneration |
   Sustainability and Metabolic Revolution
in the Works of Henri Lefebvre |
   Sustainable Prosperity in an
Uncertain Future |
   Ten Questions About Marx—More Than Twenty Years After Marx’s Ecology |
   The Case for Labour-Led Development |
   The Case for Not Flying |
   The Case for Socialist Veganism |
   The Case for Universal Basic Services |
   The Communitarian Revolutionary Subject
and the Possibilities of System Change |
   The Condition of Women |
   The Deceptive Delusions of Green Capitalism |
   The Defence of Nature: Resisting
the Financialisation of the Earth |
   The Dream of a Thing: Refounding the Economy of a Venezuelan Commune |
   The Dialectics of Ecology: An Introduction |
   The Dictatorship of Financial Capitalism |
   The Ecological Rift in the Anthropocene |
   The End of Seasons? |
   The European Green Deal on rural agriculture |
   The evolution of the climate movement: from radicalism to complacency |
   The Fishing Revolution and the Origins of Capitalism |
   The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Great
Reset and the End of Life as We Know it |
   The Light Side of Money |
   The Limits to Growth and the
Latin American World Model |
   The Meaning of ‘So-Called
Primitive Accumulation |
   The Most Dangerous Climate Catastrophe Delusions |
   The Necessity of System Change: An Ecological and Marxian Synthesis |
   The Neo-Capitalist Assualt in Mexico |
   The New Irrationalism |
   The Pandemic as a Manifesto of a General
and Prolonged Crisis of the Capitalist
System |
   The Political Economy of Migration |
   The Problematic Role of Materialistic
Values in the Pursuit of Sustainable
Well-Being |
   The Return of the Dialectics of Nature: The Struggle for Freedom as Necessity |
   The Sixth Mass Extinction: fact,
fiction or speculation? |
   The Transnational Capture and Pillage of Central America |
   The Unbearable Unawareness of
our Ecological Existential Crisis |
   The Underlying Causes of Immigration Mexico-US |
   There will be no ecological transition
without a social and labour transition |
   To Radically Change the Prevailing Social Order |
   To Save the Planet, Forget About
the Globe |
   Toward an Ecosocialist Degrowth |
   Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene |
   Transitioning to Geocratia |
   Trees and the ‘Net-Zero‘ Emissions Hoax |
   True Sustainability and Degrowth |
   Two Scenarios for Sustainable Welfare:
A Framework for an Eco-Social Contract |
   Unequal Exchange |
   Unequal Value Transfer from Mexico to the United States |
   Ukraine: The Crime of War |
   Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future |
   Universal public services: The power of decommodifying survival |
   (Un)witting Servitude and Minds
Manipulation |
   Urban Commons and Collective
Action to Address Climate Change |
   Urban Green Commons for Socially Sustainable Cities and Communities |
   Was Karl Marx a Degrowth Communist? |
   Water as the Pandora's Box of Ecological Debacle
from South and Central America |
   We Only Have One Planet—Defending
It Will Require Collective Measures |
   What are we saying when we talk about sustainability? |
   What Every Child Should Know About Marx's Thoery of Value |
   Where We Mine: Resource
Politics in Latin America |
   Which Future Are We Living In? |
   Why do materialistic values undermine flow experiences? |
   Work and Unionism in Mexico |
   World Development under
Monopoly Capitalism |
   World scientists’ warning: behavioural
overshoot |
   Writing our way to sustainable economies? |
   UNDP Human Development |
   eldis' Poverty News |
   eldis' Globalisation News |
   EPI Economic Data |
   An Introduction to Purchasing Power Parities from TLWNSI's Perspective |
   The Neo-Capitalist Assault |