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Archives - Publications
Archives of Publications — Economy
Was Karl Marx a Degrowth Communist?
The European Green Deal on rural agriculture, energy transition and neo-colonial collapses in the Global South
Collective Capabilities for Organisational Democracy: The Case of Mutual Social Enterprises
It's all about money and anxiety
Marx and Prometheanism
Ecosocialism and Degrowth
The Political Economy of Migration
The Ecological Crisis of Capitalism and Human Survival
Extractivism in the Anthropocene
Marxian Ecology and Sustainable Human Development
Ravaging Pan-Amazonia
Conceptual approaches to the crisis, extractivism and its alternatives
On the United States Policy to destroy the WTO because it could no longer control it
Entropy, economics and sustainability: some conceptual clarification and many questions
Filoponìa, from Cuba to the world
Discrediting carbon credits
Unequal Value Transfer from Mexico to the United States
Frederick Engels: The First Marxist?
What Every Child Should Know About Marx's Thoery of Value
Capitalism and Extreme Poverty: A Global Analysis of Real Wages, Human Height, Mortality Since the Long 16th Century
The Transnational Capture and Pillage of Central America
The Meaning of ‘So-Called Primitive Accumulation’
Marx and the Indigenous
The New Irrationalism
World Development under Monopoly Capitalism
Materialistic Value Orientation and Wellbeing
Controversial Demographic Projections Under Climate Collapse in 2050 - South and Mesoamerica in a Global Context
The Limits to Growth and the Latin American World Model
Where We Mine: Resource Politics in Latin America
Necropolitics is about letting people die in order to keep a predatory economy alive
The Fishing Revolution and the Origins of Capitalism
Climate Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century
Nuclear Fusion, Icarus and Techno-Magical Thinking
Urban Green Commons for Socially Sustainable Cities and Communities
GDP as a real indicator of progress is one of the biggest fallacies in our society
This system is utter crap: organising anger and optimism for the future
Paradise Lost? — The iron cage of consumerism
Scientists’ Warning on Affluence
Decent Living Standards: Material Prerequisites for Human Wellbeing
Filoponìa, a distinctive economic model
Filoponìa, un modello economico altro (Italian)
The Political Economy of U.S. Systemic Militarism
The Limits to Growth: Ecosocialism or Barbarism
From Sandstorm and Smog to Sustainability and Justice: China's Challenge
Financial, Speculative and Parasitic Capital
‘The Present as History’ and the Theory of Monopoly Capital
The End of Abundance
Universal Declaration of the Rights of Corporate Power
Re-visiting the Owenites – contemporary cultural co-ops
Socialism and Ecological Survival:: An Introduction
Crocodile that Falls Asleep is Turned into a
Is China Transforming the World?
Ituango Dam: an Apology for Necropolitics
Marketocracy and the Capture of People and Planet
The Ideology of Late Imperialism
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset and the End of Life as We Know it
Confronting Inequality in the “New Normal”: Hyper-capitalism, Proto-socialism, and Post-pandemic Recovery
Epidemic Response — The Legacy of Colonialism
Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Moral Economies of the Future
The Pandemic as a Manifesto of a General and Prolonged Crisis of the Capitalist System
Emancipation in the Neoliberal Era
Neoliberal economics, planetary health,
and the COVID-19 pandemic: a Marxist ecofeminist analysis
The Dictatorship of Financial Capitalism
The Contagion of Capital
Life Beyond Capital
Marx’s Open-ended Critique
The Preemptive Counterrevolution and the Rise of the Far Right in Brazil
Un)witting Servitude and Minds Manipulation
Wellbeing Matters — Tackling Growth Dependency
The Post-Growth Challenge
Ethnic-Peasant Resistance in South America and Mesoamerica to the 4.0 Agriculture of Catastrophe Capitalism
Capitalism Has Failed - What Next?
Does Amazonia Belong to the World?
Beyond Consumer Capitalism
The Pharmaceutical Industry in Ceontemporary Capitalism
COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism
Capitalism of Dispossession in the Palm Oil Plantations in the Countries of the Global South - Contexts, Struggles and Peasant Resistance
The Expropriation of Nature
COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital
The New Imperialist Structure
To Die for Wall Street
Absolute Capitalism
Planetary Offensive Against Social Security
Collapsed Progressivism in Iberian America, Brazil’s case
Capitalism Sucks Our Blood and Kills Us
Inside Capitalism
Mexico's Dependent Economy
Brazil goes back to an oligarch past
The Role of the Working Class in the Struggle Against Transnational Corporations
Mexico vis-à-vis the Robber Scum — Dignity or Capitulation in the Face of Mexico's Abduction by the Political-Business Mafias (only in Spanish)
The Neo-Capitalist Assault in Mexico: Democracy vis-à-vis the logic of the market
The Neo-Capitalist Assualt series (17 chapters)
WTO's Fifth Ministerial Conference in Cancún Collapsed
The South African Pandemic of Racial Capitalism
Not a Nation of Immigrants
From Profit Taking to Life Making: Quality Care for People and Planet
Confronting Inequality in the “New Normal”: Hyper-capitalism, Proto-socialism, and Post-pandemic Recovery
Manipulations of Freedom
Racial Capitalism and COVID-19
Capital, Science, Technology
Back to Production — An Analysis of the Imperialist Global Economy
California's Migrant Workers
A Labour Code for the 21st Century
The Precariat
Labour-Value Commodity Chains -The Hidden Abode of Global Production
The Underlying Causes of Immigration from Mexico to the United States
The New Service Proletariat
Global Commodity Chains and the New Imperialism
Adam Smith and the Yellow Vest Movement
The Yellow Vests
Invisible Exploitation
Value transfer and human degradation in an automotive enterprise cluster in Mexico
Unequal Exchange
Mexico: Hell is the Tijuana assembly line
Modern Slave Work
The Catastrophe of Bangladesh – An emblematic case of globalised capitalism