
Melinda J. Anderson

—Managing Editor

Álvaro de Regil Castilla

—Executive Director


Alejandro Teitelbaum

—Fellow Associate

Nubia Barrera Silva

—Fellow Associate


Andrea Surbone

—Fellow Associate

Alejandro Pedregal

—Fellow Associate


Jamshid Damooei

—Fellow Associate

Ornela de Gasperín Quintero

—Fellow Associate


Carlos Jiménez Bandala

—Fellow Associate

Myriam Cardozo Blum

—Fellow Associate


Claudio Jedlicki

—Fellow Associate

Julio Boltvinik

—Fellow Associate

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Álvaro de Regil Castilla is Project initiator and Executive Director of The Jus Semper Global Alliance since 2003, a coalition that supports living wages worldwide as a core element of sustainability, democracy, and business accountability. Álvaro is developer of The Living Wages North and South Initiative (TLWNSI) since 1999 and coordinator since 2001. His work is centred on developing the living wage concept, anchored on “equal pay for equal work of equal value", and, at a broader level, advancing a “people and planet” paradigm. As part of this transformative concept, he is also increasingly active in the areas of labour rights, business and human rights, no-growth / degrowth / steady-state economics, basic income and consumer rights.

Álvaro is
also a founding member and facilitator of the International Observatory of Living Wages (IOLW) at La Salle University, (Mexico City campus), a contributor to the tranformative vision and praxis of the Global Tranition Initiative of the Tellus Institute in Boston, Massachusets and consultant on the underlying causes of immigration with various community organisations in California.

Previously, Álvaro spent more than 20 years working for various multinationals (Ford Motor Company, IBM, Univision), then managing his own direct response marketing company. He holds an MBA in marketing from the George Washington University and a BS in Business Administrations from La Salle University.




Alejandro Teitelbaum has been a Fellow Associate with Jus Semper since 2010. He worked for many years on the issue of human rights in the realm of global corporations and other business enterprises. As the former Permanent Representative, successively from 1985 to 2006, to the United Nations Office in Geneva, for the International Federation of Human Rights and the American Association of Jurists, he spent time toiling with the bureaucracies of the UN and member states in pursuit of an international legal framework that would harness the business activity so that it would stop violating a wide array of human rights in its sphere of influence, as is customarily the case today. As such, he witnessed how, time and time again, the bureaucracies succumbed to the will of the leading economic powers, that were adamant at maintaining the preeminence of corporate interests over their responsibility for their infringement on human rights.

Alejandro is author of numerous works and publications referring to human rights in general, particularly social and cultural economic rights. Some of his latest published books are:

— El papel desempeñado por las ideas y culturas dominantes en la preservación del orden vigente. Editorial Dunken, Buenos Aires, 2015. Published in Colombia as “El colapso del progresismo y el desvarío de las izquierdas”.Editorial La Carreta, Medellín, 2017.— La armadura del capitalismo. El poder de las sociedades transnacionales en el mundo contemporáneo. Editorial Icaria, España, enero 2010.

Some of his most relevant publications with Jus Semper are:

Inside Capitalism
Capitalism Sucks Our Blood and Kills Us
To Radically Change the Prevailing Social Order

Other papers can be found at: alainet and Rebelion

Alejandro is a Lawyer, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and a Postgraduate in International Economic Relations at the Institute of Economic and Social Development Studies, Université Paris I.


Claudio Jedlicki has been a Fellow Associate with Jus Semper since 2007. He worked as a researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris France. Claudio was also Professor of General Economics, International Economics and Development Economics at numerous universities in France (mainly at Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Université de Paris XIII Villetaneuse).

Retired since 2011, he resumed his first research activity in France, when in 1974 he was recruited as an assistant to Professor Arghiri Emmanuel, author of Unequal Exchange (1969), a thesis that made him well-known worldwide (translated into more than 10 languages). The fact that he inherited the library, manuscripts, correspondence and other working documents of Professor Emmanuel after his death (2001), led him naturally to continue to reflect upon his main theme. Indeed, the wage gap between developed and underdeveloped countries that induces the exploitation of the latter, driven by trade exchange, constitutes the central axis of this problem. This activity led him then to collaborate with Jus Semper, that focuses its goal on the search for decent wages for the Periphery, which would necessarily reduce the inequality of the exchanges between both parties. This same objective also leads him to maintain close ties with a group of Argentine scholars who have followed Emmanuel's thinking for many years.

Some relevante research topics and publications are: Foreign Investment, Technology Transfers, International Trade, Unequal Exchange, Economic Integration (Europe and Iberian America)

Claudio was born in Santiago de Chile. He holds a BS in Economics from Universidad de Chile and a PhD in Development Socio-Economics from Université de Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne



Melinda Anderson has been Managing Editor of Jus Semper since 2003. Through volunteerism, research, and advocacy, Melinda has demonstrated a commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability. Melinda edits and prepares for final publication all the papers published by Jus Semper in both English and Spanish-language versions.

Melinda has a BA in Spanish from Central University of Iowa and an MA in Tourism from George Washington University.



Myriam Cardozo has worked for the last 25 years at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM-X) of Mexico as a researcher, teacher and coordinator of study programs for the Bachelor of Social Policy and Management and the Master of Public Policy. Her research has revolved around the evaluation of public policies and programs, especially social ones. She joined Jus Semper in 2003, venturing into the topic of corporate social responsibility, which produced the following publications with Jus Semper:

• “Governments and NGOs vis-à-vis Corporate Social Responsibility”, July 2003,

• “CSR: Included Aspects and Relevant Exclusions. Minimum Standards for the Mexican Ethos”, January 2004, and

• "Non-Governmental Organisations and Corporate Social Responsibility in Iberian America", January 2007.

Additionally, this enabled her to prepare together with Álvaro de Regil, the chapter “Non-governmental organisations and corporate social responsibility in Iberian America”, published in José Allouche (ed.), Corporate Social Responsibility, United Kingdom: Palgrave McMillan, August 2006.


Her latest publications are:

- Institutionalization and evaluation processes. Quality and use of its results, Coordination and participation with the collaboration of five researchers, UAM-X - CESOP, 2015,

- Article with Ester García Sánchez, “Impact evaluation: beyond experimentation” Political and Culture Magazine, No.47, Spring 2017, pp.65-91, and

- Byproducts on teaching of evaluation of public policies and programs. The experience of the Master in Public Policy of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (Xochimilco), Coordination and participation with the collaboration of 21 alumni, UAM-X (2018).


Myriam has a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE AC) and a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


Jamshid Damooei is Professor and Director of Economics Program within the School of Management at California Lutheran University. He also serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Economics of Social Issues (CESI).

In the early 1980s, he became the Director General of the Department of Economic Studies and Policies of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of Iran. Dr. Damooei worked as a Senior Economist for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) from 1988 to 1991. While he was with the United Nations, he headed the Economic Section of the UN Field Office in Somalia and his duties included coordination of donors' technical and capital assistance to the country, preparation of economic advisory papers for the UNDP Headquarters in New York, and design and preparation of a number of development projects.

His studies and reports on current economic issues of Somalia and the Horn of Africa continued after he completed his tour of duty in Somalia. He continued to work as an international consultant for the UNDP and the United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS) after he left his position in the UN and returned to California Lutheran University. He is often quoted as an expert on the economic and political issues, has written many reports, and conducted a number of studies on issues concerning economic problems of countries faced with political instability and economic crises. In recent years he has emerged as an expert whose opinion on the ongoing economic and political matters are frequently sought by a number of international media on Iran and the Middle East.

Professor Damooei’ s scholarly work includes a broad spectrum of current social and economic issues such as project design and evaluation, methods of capacity building during time of crisis, crisis prevention and recovery, causes of economic imbalances, aid coordination, privatization of industries, monetary and financial problems, and economic and social impact assessments of policies or institutional establishments. He is the president of Damooei Global Research; a consulting company focused on program and project evaluation, economic impact studies, needs assessment, and policy analysis.

His research focuses on Human Capital Investment and studies of the economic impacts of the Boys & Girls Clubs of American have received much attention in recent years. He has completed such studies for number of regions and states such as California, Florida, New Jersey, Texas, Delaware, and Arizona. The focus of his recent studies has been on the economics of social issues which resulted in a number of reports, articles, and studies in professional and popular journals as well as books edited. In 2017 he was recognized by Huffington Post for seminal contributions to his field of study. He is the recipient of the President Award for Teaching Excellence of the California Lutheran University in 2006. Dr. Damooei received the newly established Provost Distinguished Scholar Award for 2017-18 academic year in California Lutheran University.

He is often interviewed and quoted in the local papers, radio and domestic as well as international channels such as BBC, and other international TV stations on economic issues affecting the regional, national and international economic affairs. Videos and other records can be found on internet and YouTube. Jamshid joined Jus Semper in 2019.

Jamshid holds the following degrees:


Carlos Jiménez is a Full-Time Professor-Researcher, Head of Academic Processes of the Doctorate programme in Administration and leader of the International Observatory of Living Wages at the Business School of La Salle University, Mexico City campus. Carlos is also a Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI-CONACYT) Level 1 and joined Jus Semper in 2019.

Carlos has participated as a speaker at national and international conferences; he is an assessor in referred and indexed journals and author of articles in impact factor magazines, book chapters and a book.

His lines of research are:

• Organisational and economic analysis of the informal sector to increase productivity and promote good living;
Solidarity Economy and symbolic life in organisations for regional sustainable development

Recent publications:

Carlos has a PhD in Organisational Studies from the Autonomous Metropolitan University-(UAM-I), a Masters in Organizational Studies from the same university; a BS in Economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a BS in Administration from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP).


Andrea Surbone is a writer, publisher, ex-winegrower and visionary; author of "Philopony - get 'em out of money" in the book Il lavoro e il valore al tempo dei robot - Intelligenza artificiale e non-occupazione, by D. Astrologo, A. Surbone, P. Terna, Meltemi, Milano 2019 –

He has written fiction with Dusts and since November 2007 writes have a nice week, a small column of glances at the world, sent every Monday by email. Publisher of the magazine Nuvole (for paper issues from 16 to 23) and still a member of the Editorial Board ( Spokesperson of a proposal for political economy ( Promoter of a political proposal (

Andrea is a graduate from the SAA School of Management in Turin.


Nubia Barrera Silva is an Anthropologist from the Universidad del Cauca, Business Administrator from the Universidad Externado de Colombia, Master in Environmental Management and Audits from the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana and Master in Climate Change from the Universidad Europea del Atlántico.

In her role as professor and researcher, she has approached the areas of business and corporate social responsibility, environmental education, socio-anthropology, ecology and the environment from interdisciplinary approaches. She has been an Academic Par of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Colombia.

She has formulated and executed projects in the area of corporate social responsibility. She has been a prominent speaker on the Integral Rural Reform, the axis of the Peace Agreement in Colombia. She has promoted the defence of water in common areas, public health, food sovereignty of the ethnic and Afro-peasant sectors and the human rights of environmental leaders.

She has published essays and articles on the neoliberal impact on education and the conservation of watersheds, among other issues, in indexed journals of different universities. She is currently preparing the second edition of a book. Latest publications:



Julio Boltvinik is Professor-Researcher at El Colegio de México since 1992. He received his PhD in Social Sciences from CIESAS (Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social); in English: Centre for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology, in Guadalajara, Mexico. His main research interests are poverty, inequality, social policy, welfare and human flourishing. His recent books include: Poverty and Human Flourishing. A Radical Perspective (Editorial Ítaca and Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, 2020) and with Susan A. Mann (coords.), Pobreza y persistencia campesina en el siglo XXI (Siglo XXI editores, 2020; in English: Peasant Poverty and Persistence in the 21st Century (Zed Books, London, 2016). He writes the weekly column Economía Moral (every Friday) for the Mexican daily La Jornada since 1995.


Javiera Mondaca - Translator

Javiera is a graduate in applied biology from the University of British Columbia (Canada). She has conducted horticultural therapy workshops in prisons and addiction rehabilitation centres. Since 2016, she has been working as a translator, focusing on issues of ecology and everyday life in the context of the critique of political economy. Javiera is originally from San Felipe, Chile.


Alejandro Pedregal is visiting researcher at the Media Department of Aalto University. He has been researcher at the Institute of History of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), lecturer at the University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) of the Aalto University (Finland), and Postdoctoral and Visiting Researcher at the Department of Film, Television and Scenography of the same institution, Department from which he also obtained his Doctor degree. He has published several books, in addition to chapters and articles in scientific journals. He is also a film director and screenwriter of several international award-winning fiction and documentary film works.


Ornela de Gasperín Quintero is Full Researcher A, Instituto de Ecología, A.C.; Member of the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCYT), Mexico, in the National Laboratory of Biology of Climate Change (2023 - present). Ornela is a Biologist from UNAM (2011), PhD in Zoology from the University of Cambridge (2016), with a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ecology and Evolution from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (2016-2021) and with a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ecology and Evolution from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland (2021-2022).

Ornela is also a permanent activist on the existential planetary crisis and a member of the Scientific Rebellion movement, Mexico chapter.

