The four phases towards sustainability...

As we begin to approach global corporations, this section will gradually list our future corporate partners, which will be those that embark with us in our program for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is rather easy to allure partners, as long as we are willing to endorse them in line with their very private interests. This is not the case. We will not allow prospective partners to cherry pick what they like and discard the issues they dislike, particularly the payment of living wages. The program requires the annual reporting of the impact of their business activity on the three dimensions considered by Global Civil Society to be critical to ensure sustainability:

  • social
  • economic
  • environmental

In signing up as partners in The Jus Semper Global Alliance for gradual wage equalisation, partner corporations will be required to comply with the following elements of our CSR program:


Standards and Guidelines

  • Select a process to perform the measurement of the corporate partner tridimensional impact.
  • Jointly agree on the criteria to be used to define the "expected standard" necessary -for each indicator- to fully achieve sustainability and, thus, render a "good corporate citizenship" evaluation.
  • Incorporate all business entities -that we jointly determine to be part of the partner's core supply chain- into the same CSR standards as it pertains to the partner's operations
  • Jointly plan the verification of partner annual report by previously jointly selected independent assurance providers



Gradual Wage Equalization

  • Incorporate wage indicators for all blue and white-collar positions in every host country in the South where partner has operations or out sources production as part of its supply chain
  • Incorporate wage indicators for all blue and white-collar positions in partner's home country and in host countries in the North, where partner has an equivalent position in its supply chain in the South
  • Jointly define the long-term living wage goals for every position in their supply chain in the South. This task will be done by using the following criteria:
    • home country and other Northern positions wages as point of reference benchmark

    • purchasing power parities (PPPs) as main indicator to define a living wage based on each individual position northern benchmark
  • Jointly set the initial annual average real wage increase -for each individual position in the South- using the previously defined long-term living-wage goals
  • Jointly annually revise and agree on the annual real wage increase for each individual position, to account for variations in PPPs reported as a result of variations in inflation rates for each individual country



  • Report on all three dimensions and the living wage core CSR element in a comprehensive manner "in accordance" with the tools previously jointly defined
  • Report for each country, which is part of partner's operations, on an individual basis without any type of regional consolidation in reporting
  • Report for each individual business entity jointly determined to be part of partner's core supply chain



  • Facilitate and fully support -as required- the verification of partner's reporting by selected independent assurance providers within the deadlines jointly established
  • Facilitate and fully support -as required- the verification of the reporting of all business entities -jointly determined to be part of partner's core supply chain- by selected independent assurance providers within the deadlines jointly established
  • Jointly determine the corrections required to meet CSR standards -according to the assurance providers verification reports- in order to achieve long-term sustainability
  • Jointly determine the corrections required to meet CSR standards among all business entities -jointly determined to be part of partner's core supply chain- -according to the assurance providers verification reports- in order to achieve long-term sustainability



  • Comply with jointly agreed specific dates for jointly agreed annual real wage increase across all operations, without any delay, in order to obtain annual certification
  • Comply with jointly agreed specific dates for execution of corrections -jointly agreed as necessary- in order to comply with previously agreed CSR standards and to obtain annual certification







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